Saturday, February 23, 2019

2 years old

Weight: 22lbs (3%)
Height: 33.5 inches (55%)
Likes: anything to do with babies ( including bathing them,rocking them, singing to them, feeding them and pushing them in her stroller ), anything to do with little mermaid, reading books ,being outside, Rody, her little people princesses, watching Izzy and Papa videos, dancing, her puppies, pretending to tete in the potty, her kitchen, wearing a purple bow, wearing her sunglasses, anything to do with water (bathing, swimming, splashing, washing her hands), playing dress-up, hording things, bubbles She loves to play boo (Peek-a-boo), watching TV, playing on the Ipad, and pretending to talk on the phone.

Favorite Movies : Frozen, tangled, Moana little mermaid and trolls
Favorite TV shows: Barney, bubble guppies, sesame street, Masha and bear

Favorite books lift the flaps are a favorite, goodnight gorilla ducky and his paci ,the little mouse the red ripe strawberry and the big hungry bear
Dislikes: strangers, time out, being told no, not getting her way ( typical toddler )

Milestones: At about 22 months her language exploded and she probably says somewhere between 75-125 words. She adds words to her vocabulary daily. She combines 2 words regularly and every once in a three word sentence. She loves to ask Why? She gives These super mean eyes sometimes when I tell her No or she doesn't get her way. She can count to 3 and sometimes with help 5. She calls every color purple. She loves to help with everyday tasks like Landry and cooking. She can walk, run and jump with both feet off the ground. She can go up and down stairs. She can walk on her tippy toes. She can throw a ball. She loves to sing and make up little songs. She loves all music even Daddy's hip hop and rap. We are down to paci at just bedtime,naps and in the car ( for my sanity). She can scribble with a crayon or pen. She has a little personality now. She can be silly and trys and makes you laugh( 100% her daddy) She can blow bubbles. She is always losing 1 shoe and has gained the nickname Cinderella.
Eating: We are still nursing ( yes she is two and no I don't know when we will stop 😜) she averages 2-3 times a day mostly when she wakes up, before naps and bedtime .
I wish she ate better. Her current favorites are carrots, sausage, cheese, mac and cheese and anything that I'm eating. Even if she has the same thing on her plate. She also loves tea. She is unbelievably picky and some days I swear she consumes barely anything. She does love her sweets when we allow her to have a treat which is so funny because when I was pregnant with her I craved sugar at all times.

Sleep: My girl currently loves her sleep. She basically tell us when she wants to go night night. She goes down between 9-11 ( I know it's late, side effect of being a night nurse). She wakes up between 8-9 and takes a nap between 12-2 for approximately 2-3.5 hours. She sleeps in her crib always on her belly with her paci, baby doll, puppy dog and teddy bear( that she got from papa's funeral).

Friday, September 30, 2016

18 Months

Weight: 20lbs (12%)
Height: 31.6 inches (40%)
Likes: the book - goodnight gorilla, reading books, video- Barney in concert, holding baby dolls, sitting at her little table, nursing, slam dunking the basket, taking a bath, carrying random pieces of clothes around, going outside, going on walks, bubbles, cuddling,Elmo, ainy the flap books, kisses, her paci,singing row row row your boat and bubble bath song. Baby barney goes almost everywhere with her.
Dislikes: anything that confines her such as car seats and high chairs, not getting her way, going to time out, when mommy leaves sometimes, and getting frustrated
Milestones: she has really started to talk and repeat what we say she says Elmo, bubble, santa ,amee (it means milk) bath, puppy, uh oh, Momma, daddy, ball, dog, cheese ,baby, hi, hello,bye,papa,lala,meme (still don't know that this means,hot,bath, fish,read,yaya, apple. She learns new words every day. She can tell you what a cow,dog and monkey say but sometimes all animals just moo. She wants to read all the time and will repeat words or point for you to tell her what things are. She shakes her head no all the time even for yes. She signs more, eat, hot, drink, bath, sleep,and milk. She can Identify her head,belly button, eyes, nose, mouth, ears, hands,feet and hair. She has pointed to her diaper when she is dirty but that is not consistent. She has started to throw some tantrums and is showing her toddler attitude. She loves to go outside and for walks in the stroller. She has started to sing a lot lately. She loves to wave bye bye blow and give kisses. She has 2 bottom teeth and one coming in and 6 top teeth. She has handled a lot of change in the last few months with Mommy going back to work and a nanny watching her but she really has handled it so well and I am so proud of my little toddler. She seems to really love her nanny.
Eating: She lives on breast milk, cheese and ice. She still is nursing on demand and I would say on average 4 times a day. She still has a toddler appetite and diet. She currently likes chicken nuggets, mac and cheese, cheese, applesauce,goldfish, apples and may want a bite of anything you are eating.
Sleep: She is doing really great on sleeping. She sleeps in her crib for bedtime and naps without a problem.She normally goes down about 9:30pm and gets up between 7:45-9:00 am. She takes a nap between 12-2 and normally its about 1.5-3.5 hours. She still sleeps with her paci and now she sleeps with her baby barney. Her sleeping in her crib is one of my greatest accomplishments. She has started falling asleep before naps sometimes and has fallen asleep in the cutest positions such as in her rocking chair and holding a phone or just flat on the floor.

Tuesday, July 19, 2016

15 Months

Weight:19lbs 2oz (20%) 
Height: 30.5 inches (50%) 
Likes:being tickled, the song-let it go, Mickey Mouse club house,clapping,slides, ball pit, baby dolls,being chased, sitting in chairs,climbing, nursing, dancing,talking baths, putting on my BU hat, wearing towels on her head, being outside, beat bo, her car, paci, pulling things out of drawers, being silly,sitting in her doll craddle, getting in trouble,sitting in the fridge, dogs, face timing and phones

Dislikes:being hot, overtired,being buckled in the car seat, siting in her high chair or having her diaper changed,elevators, giraffes, having her nose wipes,trying to look at her teeth, other than that she is actually a super happy toddler

Milestones: She grows up a little bit more every day which is exciting and sad at the same time. She finally is talking more she says momma, daddy, ball, dog, chicken,duck, quack quack, baby, hi, hello,bye,papa,lala,meme, gone gone( which is what she calls the let it go song). When you play let it go in the car and it is over she will say gone gone and sign more.  She calls drew both mama,daddy and papa. She understands simple commands like I tell her to bring me things and she does its so cute. She signs more, milk, all done and points and says da for anything she might want. She does so many super cute things like runs to the door when daddy comes home or carries milk coolers as purses and walks around. She dances when music comes on which typically consisted of one arm up and a little twist of her waist. She is so interactive it amazes me everyday how much she understands. She loves baby dolls and picks them up and pats their back and rocks them. She spins in circles and laughs and falls down. She is already such a little mommy.She has 2 bottom teeth and 3 top teeth that are slowly coming in. She is still very attached to mommy and if she is upset or having a bad time she is a true mommy's girl. She has enough hair for pigtails and ponytails and she constantly pulls her bows out. She is a little dare devil and is the first one to do things like go down the slide or jump in the pool. She will drag you books to read especially if you are in the nursery but she only wants you to read 1 or 2 pages before she shuts it. Juju showed her how to do a sic'em bears and now she will raise her hand and she wants you to shake it for her and do the sic'em and she gives you a huge smile. When she thinks something is super funny she will put her hand over her mouth and laugh and when she is excited she will sigh really loud and her eyes get super wide. She sits in her baby cradle and rocks herself.She will push baby in the stroller but sometimes she wants in too. She gives the best kisses and she loves to wave bye and hi at strangers and blow them kisses. 

Eating: we still nurse on demand which can mean 3 times a day or an all day buffet. We are trying to wean from a bottle. She only ever got one when I worked so Im not sure if it will be hard or not. She eats just like a typically toddler which means one day she is a bottomless pit and the next starves all day. Her favorite food is cheese and when you open the fridge she climbs inside and says da while pointing for cheese.She also loves goldfish and shaking them all over the car. She loves anything that mommy is trying to eat or drink including my coffee.

Sleep: Finally at 13 months we finally got her into the crib. She goes to bed around 9-10ish and gets up 7-8ish. She take 1-2 naps depending on how early she got up. She was consistently sleeping through the night but with teething she has been waking up again.She sleeps on her belly with her sound machine. Alot of the time we can just lay her in her crib awake and she will curl up in a little ball and go to sleep. Sometimes during the day she will lay on the floor when she starts getting tired and on a really good night she will even point to her crib when she is ready for bed.